Here is a quick and dirty way to create a Powershell profile.
First, start the Powershell terminal and type:
new-item $profile -Force
notepad $profile
An empty profile file appears, and you can type the commands you want to run at start up:
cd ~/Documents
Fortune cookie
If you want to be greeted with a fortune cookie, add the following line:
$fc = ((Invoke-WebRequest | ConvertFrom-Json write-host `t `"$($fc.fortune)`"
Thanks to the Google Developers Group Nort Colorado for hosting the api!
Some nice ASCII art
Finally, add a nice ASCII picture to spice up your day. I found one here. Clone the repo and save Get-MOTD.ps1 in your $env:HOMEPATH\Documents\WindowsPowershell\ directory.
Your $profile file will look like this:
. $env:HOMEPATH\Documents\WindowsPowershell\Get-MOTD.ps1
write-host ""
write-host ""
$fc = ((Invoke-WebRequest | ConvertFrom-Json
write-host `t `"$($fc.fortune)`"
write-host ""
cd ~
And it if you start the Powershell terminal you will be greeted like this:
Tip: don't do this in ISE. Also, install posh-git and follow the profile adjustments described on their github site.