IBM Watson is a really good AI platform.
But since development of the Watson Platform goes so quickly, they keep pushing new updates and workspaces.
If you are a developer, this can be quite time consuming, since you need to keep rebuilding the former workspace now called Skills and APi configurments.
This last Update to V2 and the deprecation of the bluemix environment gave me quite a few headaches.

To save you from the hassle, here is an example how you can rebuild a Watson assistant and Watson discovery API with the cloud CLI Tool.

c:\Program Files\IBM\Cloud\bin>ibmcloud cf push
No CF API endpoint set.
Use 'ibmcloud target --cf-api ENDPOINT [-o ORG] [-s SPACE]' to target Cloud Foundry, or 'ibmcloud target --cf' to target it interactively.

it's because you are still pointing to the old bluemix link:
c:\Program Files\IBM\Cloud\bin>ibmcloud api
Setting api endpoint...
API endpoint is going to be deprecated. Use

here is what you do:
c:\Program Files\IBM\Cloud\bin>ibmcloud api
c:\Program Files\IBM\Cloud\bin>\ibmcloud login
now your ENDPOINT is set to the
Now set the right environment for discovery:
c:\Program Files\IBM\Cloud\bin>ibmcloud target --cf-api

Now you can (re-)do al your CF functions