In the last article I explained how to set up an ASP.NET MVC 2 project with a Db4o backend to create a weblog application. In the spirit of Domain Driven Design we created a single entity 'Story'. We managed to create a separate class for database access. We did not however, implement the Unit of Work or the Repository pattern. We'll get to that later. Let's have a working application first and we'll build in the abstractions later.
So, we created a StoryController in the Controllers folder and we implemented the Create method. After clicking Submit the method takes us to Index:
So we need to go to line 19 and right click on Index and click Add View, just like before:
And then we can scaffold the Index View like this:
Here is the code to list all the Story entries in the database:
public ActionResult Index()
//instantiate the db4o objectcontainer:
IObjectContainer db = MySingleInstance.Instance().
//this is the tricky part.
//We select all the Story objects from the db:
var query = from Story s in db select s;
//And we'll add that to a list:
List allStories = new List();
foreach (Story story in query)
//We'll present the List to the View
return View(allStories);
//Close the database.
Why am I copying the query result to a List? The answer is, if I don't, the database closes before the page is displayed, so the page remains empty and we'll get a DataBaseClosed Exception.
Now run the application (hit F5) and browse to http://localhost:portnr/Story.
And we see all our entries. If you click Create New, you'll be directed to the form we made in part 1 and you can add another blog article. So basically the weblog application is ready, right?
The only thing is, it looks like shit. And I am no designer. So let's grab a nice minimalist CSS template from the web. I googled 'minimalist elegant css' and came across Inkcover. The css of this site is a bit cluttered and it's derived from a templating engine from Coldfusion I believe. But with a little hacking it came out quite nice.
I'll think I'll have to notify the designers.
Next time I will cover validation at last. And perhaps upload the code.
Can anyone help me?
I’m working in the example. I did step by step, but does not rotate. Is in trouble in class ISession (void dispose in class and StoryController (ActionResult public Index ()).
Hi Pedro,
Sorry, my dayjob is keeping me away from Itslet at the moment. What exactly is the message you get when running the app?