Next in my Azure database series is the bacpac file, Azure works with bacpac files, we can up- and download to azure. We need a storagespace in order to up and download files.

We start creating storage space. This may come in handy when we need file tranfer, and again you can access the files from your local device.

To acces your storage account, you need the access keys, which are generated when creating the storage account. On the footer of the page, where the red arrow is visible in the screenshot below, you can open up and acces the keys.

This key you need for the net step, we will download a windows Azure storage explorer to be able to acces the files. Azure has a broad choise in downloads for this option. I downloaded the Azure storage explorer from codeplex storage explorer.

Now I will walk you through on how to create a bacpac file on your local database. Choose the Export Data-tier Applicationbacpac1

Now we have to options, you can create the bacpac file locally and upload it with the storage explorer or link it to azure directly, we choose tthe latter. Fill in the storage credentials we just created by connecting the storage account with the access keys. Name a container and filename and thunderbirds are GO!
