Fire up Putty and log on to our newish ROR virtual appliance!
Oh wait. First I have to think of something we are going to create. So how about a Marketplace app, where supply and demand meets? And since we're so into a free society, let's make it an app where no money is allowed. So we're going to exchange goods and services. What do we need?
- List all open requests
- Create a new request
- Read and display a request
- Update the request
- Delete the request
That will be enough for now. So, what are the features of the request?
- name - name of the requester (string)
- contents - the textbody of the request (text)
- title - the title of the request (string)
Now start up Putty and log on to the BitNami server.
cd /opt/bitnami/projects rails fleemarket
This is something like File -> New Project -> ASP.NET MVC 2 application in Visual Studio. With this command, you'll create the complete web application in a folder 'fleemarket'. If I cd into this new folder I get to see:
root@linux:/opt/bitnami/projects/fleemarket# ls app db lib public README test vendor config doc log Rakefile script tmp
Right, now let's run it. After all, in VS I can also start debugging right after the creation of my project:
ruby script/server
Anyhow, we'll get the following output as the server is starting. So we need to open up another instance of Putty for editing.
root@linux:/opt/bitnami/projects/fleemarket# ruby script/server => Booting Mongrel => Rails 2.3.5 application starting on => Call with -d to detach => Ctrl-C to shutdown server
So, let's create the Request class first.
root@linux:/opt/bitnami/projects/fleemarket# ruby script/generate scaffold request requester:string title:string contents:string exists app/models/ exists app/controllers/ exists app/helpers/ create app/views/requests exists app/views/layouts/ exists test/functional/ exists test/unit/ create test/unit/helpers/ # etc
So, Rails created a controller and a view apparently. And now for the database.
root@linux:/opt/bitnami/projects/fleemarket# rake db:migrate (in /opt/bitnami/projects/fleemarket) == CreateRequests: migrating ================================================= -- create_table(:requests) -> 0.0040s == CreateRequests: migrated (0.0042s) ========================================
I am done. And then check out what I've just created. A complete CRUD thing with a database.
Next time, let's check out what just happened under da hood.
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